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Phone: (313) 656-4769
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We’re here to help!
Our garden guides and classes are great place to start.
Looking for more specific techinical assistance to start or expand your garden or farm? Fill out the Garden Support Form.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Fill out the form on the right, with as much detail as possible, and we’ll reach out to you with potential solutions.
Want to set up a tour, field trip, or event at KGD Farm? Find out more and complete a tour request form on the KGD Farm page
If you would like KGD to participate in a particular media request, please complete the form on the right and include the name of the publication or organization, specifics on how you would like to collaborate, the topics covered, and specific times to connect.
If you’d like KGD staff to speak at an event, provide an educational garden presentation, or attend a community event, complete the form on the right. Include the dates and times of the event, specific details on how you’d like KGD to participate, the particular audience for the event, the amount of time allotted, outcomes of the event/presentation, and if there is an honorarium or stipend.
Interested in KGD staff coming out to do a beginner gardener class? Complete the form on the right. Include specific details on when/where it will take place, who the class is for, the amount of time allotted, outcomes of the class, and if there is an honorarium or stipend.
We consider opportunities that are mutually beneficial for KGD and the community we serve. If this is applicable to your scope of work, please summarize your research request in the form on the right. We also encourage you to review our Mission & Impact pages for existing works and Annual Report.
Learn more on our Volunteer page
Check out Grown in Detroit
Where you’ll find us
KGD Office
1445 Adelaide
Detroit MI 48207
KGD Farm
3100 Orleans
Detroit MI 48207

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